Competitive Online Reputation Management Tools on The Market to Help Your Brand
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Competitive Online Reputation Management Tools

There are several competitive online reputation management (ORM) tools on the market. These tools offer a variety of features, but most notably, they offer competitive rankings, ratings, and reviews over time. They also provide timeline reports to help understand how your brand is being talked about online. Additionally, many ORM tools include a need-mention tracking tool that can help you monitor brand mentions across the internet.

Some software options are available to help you with your online reputation management. These tools allow you to track your brand’s key mentions and strategize competitive marketing plans. Using these tools, you can improve your brand’s visibility and protect it from negative publicity.

What is online reputation management software?

Online reputation management (ORM) software is a type of software that helps companies monitor conversations and reviews about their brand online. The software can help identify any potential negative sentiment early on so that the company has time to address it before it becomes a bigger problem. ORM software can also help with content marketing and SEO and repair a damaged online reputation. Both software-generated monitoring services and outsourcing services are available for online reputation management, but each has advantages and disadvantages. Review generation monitoring is more efficient than outsourcing, but it is important to note that not all companies have the resources to set up their ORM software. Outsourcing your ORM to a service can be expensive, but it does provide a higher level of service and expertise.

Nevertheless, online reputation management software is a critical tool for businesses. It can help them protect their brand and present a favorable image to the public. In addition, online reputation management software is often sophisticated and out of reach for small businesses. For this reason, many companies outsource online reputation management services to service providers with the necessary tools and expertise.

Why consider an online reputation management tool?

There are many reasons to consider an online reputation management tool, such as:

  • A bad review can have a devastating effect on a business.
  • Brand or company mentions in the media can be both positive and negative.
  • It’s important to have accurate information about what is being said about your brand online.
  • An online reputation management tool can help you keep track of all your online content in one place, making it easier to manage and respond to potential crises.

How to manage online reputation with a monitoring tool?

There are some ways to manage your online reputation. One way is to use a monitoring tool. A monitoring tool will help you track what is being said about your brand online. You can use specific keywords to track mentions and reviews of your business and posts and comments about your products or services. This is an effective way to catch negative reviews before they have a chance to spread and cause damage to your business. Time is key when it comes to managing your online reputation. With the help of a monitoring tool, you can reach out to people who are dissatisfied in the first place and prevent unflattering opinions from spreading.

To be proactive about online reputation management, it’s important to be aware of the changes in your brand’s reputation. One way to do this is by using alerts and reports from a monitoring tool. This will inform you of what people say about your brand on Sprout’s social media and beyond. Additionally, learning how to monitor your brand’s online reputation with a monitoring tool can help you make better decisions about managing your company’s image online.

How to choose an online reputation management tool?

When choosing an online reputation management (ORM) tool, there is no one-size-fits-all answer. Each business has different needs and preferences, so the best way to decide is to evaluate a few different options.

There is a range of ORM tools, and most focus on specific areas. For example, some tools might specialize in Google search results while others focus exclusively on social media monitoring. It’s important to align the type of ORM tool you use to your business, needs, and preferences.

Brand monitoring tools are designed to track multiple websites and social media channels for mentions of your company or product. This information can help you assess how customers and prospects talk about your brand online. A few solid web and social media monitoring tools exist to help monitor online reputation, including:

Google Alerts: This free tool monitors the internet for new content that includes specified keywords or phrases (e.g., “brand name” + “reviews”).

Social Mention: This free tool scans blogs, microblogs, bookmarks, comments, news sources, videos, and images for any mention of your company or product.

Talkwalker Alerts: This paid service offers real-time email alerts for any mention of your company or product across social media and the web.

Each tool has a different set of features, so it’s important to do your research before deciding. Be sure to read reviews and compare pricing before choosing an ORM tool.

What top websites within your search results do you have control over?

To improve your website’s ranking in SERPS, you must first understand which websites you have control over and which you don’t.

You have control over the top websites in your search results if they are:

  • Your website.
  • A website that links to yours.
  • An authority site within your industry.
  • A website with high domain authority.

How can these tools help your brand?

Online reputation management tools can help your business in many ways. The first and most important thing for any business is to be aware of what is being said online. A good platform should allow you to monitor not just your brand but also your social media profiles and other keywords. Secondly, it’s important to be able to take quick and effective action if something negative is found. Reach out to our team today for more information on how we can help manage your brand’s reputation!

Track and analyze your brand’s reputation

Tracking and analyzing a brand’s reputation is important, as it can help identify where the company stands with its customers. Several different tools can be used for this purpose, such as:

  • Fact-checkers – to make sure all content is accurate before publishing.
  • Review management software – to track what consumers are saying about a brand on a positive review site.
  • ORM software – to monitor the number of review sites a company is listed on.

These tools are considered “easy to use” and generally easy to integrate with other software. They are also multidisciplinary, which can be helpful for organizations that have teams of individuals within many different areas.

Track and analyze your brand’s website traffic

Generating customer reviews is time-intensive but can be very helpful in increasing product sales, as stated by G2 and Heinz Marketing. According to these sources, people are more likely to purchase products they read about or have positive customer experiences with.

Reputation management software helps businesses manage customer communications and respond to negative customer feedback that could impact the bottom line. A good reputation management software should offer a dashboard that displays data on various review sites and social media platforms such as Facebook or Twitter. The ease of use and additional tools like chatbots are important factors when considering which tool to choose.

Are there any risks associated with using these tools?

Online reputation management (ORM) is a strategy that can help companies mitigate the impact of negative customer feedback. ORM tools come in many different shapes and sizes. Still, they can generally be divided into two categories: those that only focus on managing online reviews and those that help you gain new business reviews. Media monitoring tools are generally seen as the best option for ORM due to their ability to do research and get the best results. However, it’s important to remember that brand monitoring tools can be very expensive and may deliver little data or sentiment analysis. They also need to be chosen depending on the company’s needs and its business model.

You may get side effects from taking negative reviews too seriously

There are risks associated with using customer feedback, but it is important to consider them when developing your product. Negative reviews can be a goldmine of information for you – if you’re willing to look at them the right way.

However, if you get too wrapped up in trying to please every customer who leaves a negative review, you may end up causing more harm than good. You may start making changes to your product that don’t reflect what your customers want, which could lead to even more unhappy customers.

It’s important to remember that not everyone will be happy with your product – no matter how great it is. The key is responding appropriately to negative reviews and showing that you care about your customer’s feedback.

You may get in trouble with the law if you use monitoring tools to track people’s online activity

Certain risks are associated with using online reputation monitoring tools, such as the possibility of getting into trouble with the law. You should always be aware of the laws in your country governing online privacy and data protection.

Make sure you are familiar with the terms and conditions of any software or reputation management service you use to monitor mentions of your brand online. In particular, check what kind of data is being collected and how it will be used.

It’s also important to remember that not everyone uses social media similarly. Just because someone isn’t talking about your company on Twitter doesn’t mean they’re not unhappy with your product or service. Try not to rely too heavily on social media for market research – it’s just one piece of the puzzle.

What are the results you can expect from using these tools?

There are a variety of brand reputation management tools on the market. They offer various features and results. However, they all start with the same basic process: collecting data and turning it into actionable insights. Once you have a good understanding of your online reputation, you can take steps to improve it. This is often much cheaper than employing a full-time team of experts. Additionally, it’s important to focus on analyzing your brand reputation and drawing conclusions from it. Use this information to think about what you can improve and turn it into actions that will benefit your brand.

Online reputation management aims to bury negative posts and articles about your company so that potential customers will only see the positive aspects of your brand. Hiring a customer service assistant can improve your online reputation and show potential customers that you value customer satisfaction. Additionally, this process gives an idea of the state of your company’s online reputation; if you see many negative posts and very few positive ones, it may be time to invest in some online reputation management tools.

Increased website traffic

There are several great tools that you can use to increase website traffic. For example, the Mozbar and Crazy Egg allow you to test new ideas. There is also a free, 30-day trial for Crazy Egg. HubSpot’s Website Grader tool lets you quickly evaluate your website to ensure you put your best face forward. The microsite allows you to pull together reviews of your happy customers and gives users the option to fix issues before they are passed on. This last tool helps companies go from good online ratings to excellent ones quickly by displaying new content automatically.

More reviews and ratings

When it comes to purchasing decisions, people often look to reviews and ratings to help them decide. Research shows that 84 percent of online shoppers consult product reviews before purchasing. And with good reason – after all, who wouldn’t want to buy something that other people have had a good customer experience with?

That’s why businesses need to focus on getting more reviews and ratings. The more reviews you have, the more likely potential customers will trust your brand. Plus, a high rating can help sway buyers in your favor when considering multiple options.

Of course, getting more reviews isn’t easy – it takes time and effort. But there are some things you can do to make the process a bit easier:

Make sure your products are easy to review. When buyers can quickly and easily leave feedback about your product, they’re more likely to do so. Make sure you provide clear instructions on how to leave a review, as well as an easy-to-use form or link.

Make sure your customer service is top-notch. One of the best ways to get positive reviews is by providing excellent customer service. If someone has a bad customer experience with your company, they’re much more likely to leave a negative review.

Monitor your online reputation. Use online reputation management software to keep an eye on what people say about your brand on reviews and social media. This way, you can address any complaints or negative comments quickly and effectively.

Consider using a customer review management solution. There are many different solutions out there that can help you manage your reviews. These solutions allow you to see your reviews in one place, respond to them quickly, and even generate reports about how they’re affecting your business.

The features of the products we looked into included the number of review sites monitored, response functions, and affordability, among others. Tools that are easy to use, integrate with other software, and have extra tools such as social media monitoring tools were considered. The criteria for our review included ease of use and integrations.”

More social media mentions

As more and more people spend time on social listening, it’s no surprise that brands are increasingly turning to these platforms to connect with their customers. However, having a social media presence is not enough – to be successful, you need to engage with your followers actively. One way to do this is by monitoring what people say about your brand online.

There are several free tools available that can help you do this, including Social Listening. This tool allows you to track your brand’s reputation on social media and identify industry trends and popular topics. You can also use Social Mention to monitor your competitors and find out what the public is saying about them.

Greater customer loyalty

Businesses that use Review Inc. and Customer Lobby see greater customer loyalty. The review score appears to be a good indication of how well the tool is doing. The customer service and support might not be great if you only have one review. However, businesses that continuously use these tools can expect better customer loyalty and online presence results.

What are some competitive online reputation management tools on the market?

There are many online reputation management tools on the market that businesses and consumers can use to help them get ahead of negative reviews. These tools allow you to track what people are saying about your company or product across the internet and give you the ability to respond quickly and effectively.


Chekkit is a review management platform that helps businesses centralize reviews in one location. Checkkit offers no long-term contracts and full transparency starting at $99 per month with essential features.

Connect with customers personally while encouraging positive reviews using Checkkit’s review management platform. Reputation management is important for service-based businesses. Chekkit can help businesses manage their online reputation.

Chekkit is a great tool for managing your online reputation, and it offers affordable solutions to keep service-based businesses in mind. This service offers two plan options: one for $99 and another for $199. You can pay a year upfront and get 15% off your subscription fee


Swell is a platform that helps businesses engage with customers and convert them into promoters. Swell asks users to leave reviews when they are asked or via automated text messages. It’s geared towards small and mid-size businesses, focusing on brick-and-mortar locations. Swell is designed for companies focused on healthcare, retail, restaurants, fitness, or real estate industries. The company has garnered accolades from 2 people so far. 8 out of 5


Mention is a competitive reputation management software. The software allows the user to filter data and identify conversation trends. Mention supports direct publishing on social media platforms like Twitter and Facebook.

Mention crawls forums and social media sites to find mentions of your brand. Mention can identify hashtags, influencers, and images for you. You can use these insights to create content for your brand as well.

Mention is a social media analytics tool that works with 4,000 enterprise clients. Mention offers four plans for users: Solo, Pro, ProPlus, and Company. The prices mentioned above are payable yearly. is a leading competitor in the online reputation management market, and it was founded in 2013. The company’s proprietary score gives users insights into where their business is performing well and poorly.

However, isn’t suitable for small or medium-sized businesses because it focuses on bigger clients with large operations like Public Storage or Ford. Instead, smaller businesses should look at competitive online reputation management tools like com that help businesses rank higher in local searches, boost star ratings, and stream those reviews on a per-location basis.


Online reputation management is important, especially in cases where the best defense is a good offense. That’s why NetReputation exists- to provide you with the most comprehensive solution for online reputation management.

NetReputation doesn’t just help you respond to reviews and social media chatter. They go beyond that by providing a 5-step process for conducting an “assessment.” This software helps you suppress negative content in search results by producing content while making your brand more visible on any number of channels.

Online reputation management tools filter the results across social media platforms, including social media discussions and influencers. With this data, you can make better decisions about managing your online presence and protecting your brand from unwanted attention.

NetReptuation supports the above list of activities, making it easier than ever for you to overcome competitors. Additionally, they offer a range of tools to aid in building an online reputation, such as content creation and dissemination, guest blogging, interviews, publication features, and more. Plus, their 24/7 client support means that no matter what time zone you’re in or what problem arises, there’s always someone available to help!


Brand24 is a competitive online reputation management tool that offers a variety of features, such as in-depth media monitoring, sentiment analysis, social mention tracking, and competitor comparison capabilities. What makes Brand24 unique is that it helps you track your competition and educates you on its activities. This prevents negative issues from becoming a bigger issue down the road.

Brand24 is also great for smaller businesses that want to keep an eye on close competitors. In addition to its comprehensive features, Brand24 offers email notifications, daily and weekly reports, sentiment analysis features, and more! You can have multiple projects at once that follow more than one brand or specific campaigns of a selected brand – making it easy to compare the results of your efforts side-by-side.

Brand24 has three tiers of pricing to appeal to businesses of all sizes – so there’s no reason not to get started boosting your reputation today!

Google Alerts

Google Alerts is a free tool that can easily find new mentions of your name and business. You can set up alerts for different parameters, such as geographic location or source, to narrow down your alerts on Google Alert.

Google Alerts is a free tool for monitoring online mentions. It sends you notifications on a daily or weekly basis. You need a Google account to set up an alert with Google Alerts.

Google Alerts monitors news, blogs, videos, books, and the web. PR specialists use it to monitor mentions of their clients or competitors. Your brand can benefit from it by monitoring mentions of your company or CEO’s name in the media.

Start with Google My Business and work up to more expensive products if you need more features.

Social Mention

Social Mention is a free, easy-to-use, and pick-up real-time mention of your brand. It was created in 2006 as a social media search engine that monitors 100+ million blogs, forums, bookmarks, videos, and images.

The strength of a brand’s reputation is measured by the ratio of positive mentions to negative ones. For example, if you have one positive brand mention for every five negative ones, your brand has a 20% Reputation Strength Score.

Passion is the likelihood that people will talk about your brand – it’s calculated by taking the percentage of people who’ve mentioned your company out of all who’ve talked about it online.

Reach refers to the number of unique authors who mention your brand – this metric measures how far reach your message has online. Social Mention helps businesses understand posts made about their business across social media platforms like Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram. All you need to do is type in your company’s name or keyword and enter!

Mention is a competitive online reputation management service on the market that starts at $25 per month for one user monitoring 5,000 mentions. It offers businesses an edge over their competitors by helping them attract and retain customers through social media interactions. The software allows you to analyze and understand posts made across social media platforms to identify conversation trends. Additionally, it can provide drafting and scheduling options for posting on social media sites – which is great if you’re short on time! Mention has over 4,000 enterprise clients who use the tool to monitor their reputation online.


SEMrush is an all-in-one platform that offers a suite of marketing tools for digital marketers. It helps develop an effective and workable digital marketing plan through insights into competitor strategies, such as organic and paid search, link building, and display advertising. Another important feature of SEMrush is its ability to track mentions. This allows users to find any mention of their brand or product online, no matter where it is published. In addition, SEMrush can also identify negative sentiment towards a brand or product. Industry influencers can be identified with this tool as well, which helps track industry trends in real time.


SentiOne is a tool that helps you pay attention to what your customers or others are saying about your brand. It scours thousands of web sources to find mentions of your brand, making it easier to manage. You can track mentions of brands on social profiles or keywords and filter the number of searches by keyword. Although there are many tools on the market, SentiOne is highly regarded. The tool monitors your company’s mentions on blogs, websites, news portals, online review sites, and social media like Facebook.


There are many ORM tools but one of the best reputation management software on the market, but Reputology is one of the most effective. The platform offers useful features such as email alerts and automation tools for easier tracking of customer reviews. It also helps multi-location businesses stay on top of their customer reviews, which can be helpful for a company that wants to expand across the country or worldwide.

Reputology has a free trial, is modular, and can fit your company’s needs. Plus, it’s three times more effective than other solicitation tools on the market. It includes a live chat, email, and phone number for customer service – something its top competitor lacks. The only downside to Reputology is that it doesn’t have as many reviews as its top competitor; however, it’s still growing fast.


ReviewPush is an online reputation management tool that allows companies to monitor reviews people leave about their business. The software lets companies view a compilation from several review sites and respond to reviews directly through email. It also allows businesses with multiple locations to manage their online reputation. ReviewPush is easy to use, with useful filters and easy-to-understand statistics on your review rate over time.


Chatmeter is a tool that helps with local reviews and brand consistency. The product pricing for this service isn’t available online on the website (it can be found in-store). Chatmeter’s listing management and review monitoring capabilities help monitor local performance at the national, regional, or store level. Review request tools make it easy to engage with consumers, even if they leave a negative review.

The review management software allows you to track reviews, monitor quality and quantity, measure against competitors, and review rating trends. The software is easy to use and has real-time analytics, which gives franchisees an advantage over their competitors.

Chatmeter’s software uses competitive data to help your chain maintain brand consistency at each location. This way, you can avoid any potential reputation crises before they happen!


RankRanger is a commonly used search engine optimization tool. It has robust reputation management features that allow you to check for defamatory content on search engine results, monitor SERP changes, and analyze how your work impacts your visibility.

Reputation Health

Reputation Health is a tool that helps physicians after they’ve had bad online reviews. The company offers reputation management and online review monitoring for physicians.

Reputation Health has the metrics necessary to keep your SEO campaign in check, such as the number of reviews and Google PageRank metrics. The tool monitors 23 review sites related to healthcare, including DrScore, Vitals, and HealthGrades.

Reputation Health is an online reputation management tool designed for healthcare facilities. It can help healthcare facilities identify and address customer complaints.


Meltwater is a company that lets you know what people are saying about you online. They offer various services, such as finding out who is gaining mentions on social media and where so that you can plan your next move accordingly. Meltwater also generates reports for personalized dashboards, which show real-time information about your brand’s online presence. Additionally, their services can be used to sell products and advertise them online. Online reputation management tools help companies understand their target audience to engage them with content that appeals to them. Competitive online reputation management tools are available on the market; however, Meltwater offers unique resources that no other tool can provide.


If you’re looking for a competitive online reputation management tool, Hootsuite is a great option. It offers in-depth Google analytics to help you understand your current online reputation. Additionally, HootSuite can help you engage with customers and respond to comments online. It also integrates with ReviewTracker, giving valuable insights into your business’s online reputation.


BuzzSumo is a competitive online reputation management tool. The website provides engagement statistics on Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, and Reddit. BuzzSumo offers the ability to analyze content by topic and see graphs of engagement data. You can keep an eye on coverage and monitor your competitors with BuzzSumo. It allows you to comb the web for content that includes your search term, which gives you a better understanding of how much engagement there is in each result.

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